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Morpholino Publication Database

This database contains citations and abstracts for research using Morpholino oligos, as well as some review articles incorporating Morpholino data. You can search the content using the filter boxes below.

There are 12165 scientific papers returned from the database with the search filters currently being used below.

Vertebrate MAX-1 is required for vascular patterning in zebrafish

Zhong H, Wu X, Huang H, Fan Q, Zhu Z, Lin S
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 25; [Epub ahead of print]
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During embryogenesis, stereotypic vascular patterning requires guidance cues from neighboring tissues. However, key molecules...
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Citation Extract:
Zhong H, Wu X, Huang H, Fan Q, Zhu Z, Lin S. Vertebrate MAX-1 is required for vascular patterning in zebrafish. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 25; [Epub ahead of print].

West Nile virus genome cyclization and RNA replication require two pairs of long-distance RNA interactions

Zhang B, Dong H, Stein DA, Iversen PL, Shi PY
Virology. 2008 Mar 30;373(1):1-13. Epub 2008 Feb 6.
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West Nile virus (WNV) genome cyclization and replication require two pairs of long-distance RNA interactions. Besides the...
Organism or Cell Type:
West Nile Virus
Citation Extract:
Zhang B, Dong H, Stein DA, Iversen PL, Shi PY. West Nile virus genome cyclization and RNA replication require two pairs of long-distance RNA interactions. Virology. 2008 Mar 30;373(1):1-13. Epub 2008 Feb 6..

Xenopus X-box binding protein 1, a leucine zipper transcription factor, is involved in the BMP signaling pathway

Zhao H, Cao Y, Grunz H
Dev Biol. 2003 May 15;257(2):278-91
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We describe a novel basic leucine zipper transcription factor, XXBP-1, which interacts with BMP-4 in a positive feedback loop....
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Citation Extract:
Zhao H, Cao Y, Grunz H. Xenopus X-box binding protein 1, a leucine zipper transcription factor, is involved in the BMP signaling pathway. Dev Biol. 2003 May 15;257(2):278-91.

XSUMO-1 is required for normal mesoderm induction and axis elongation during early Xenopus development

Yukita A, Michiue T, Danno H, Asashima M
Dev Dyn. 2007 Sep 6; [Epub ahead of print]
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The small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) is a member of the ubiquitin-like protein family, and SUMO conjugation (SUMOylation...
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Citation Extract:
Yukita A, Michiue T, Danno H, Asashima M. XSUMO-1 is required for normal mesoderm induction and axis elongation during early Xenopus development. Dev Dyn. 2007 Sep 6; [Epub ahead of print] .

Zebrafish assays of ciliopathies

Zaghloul NA, Katsanis N
Methods Cell Biol. 2011;105:257-72. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381320-6.00011-4
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In light of the growing list of human disorders associated with their dysfunction, primary cilia have recently come to...
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Citation Extract:
Zaghloul NA, Katsanis N. Zebrafish assays of ciliopathies. Methods Cell Biol. 2011;105:257-72. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381320-6.00011-4.

Zebrafish dax1 is required for development of the interrenal organ, the adrenal cortex equivalent

Zhao Y, Yang Z, Phelan JK, Wheeler DA, Lin S, McCabe ER
Mol. Endocrinol., Nov 2006; 20: 2630 - 2640.
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Mutations in the human nuclear receptor, DAX1, cause X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC). We report the isolation and...
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Citation Extract:
Zhao Y, Yang Z, Phelan JK, Wheeler DA, Lin S, McCabe ER. Zebrafish dax1 is required for development of the interrenal organ, the adrenal cortex equivalent. Mol. Endocrinol., Nov 2006; 20: 2630 - 2640..

Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting degradation of nodal receptors

Zhang L, Zhou H, Su Y, Sun Z, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ning Y, Chen YG, Meng A
Science. 2004 Oct 1;306(5693):114-7
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Nodal proteins, members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) superfamily, have been identified as key endogenous...
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Citation Extract:
Zhang L, Zhou H, Su Y, Sun Z, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ning Y, Chen YG, Meng A. Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting degradation of nodal receptors. Science. 2004 Oct 1;306(5693):114-7.

Zebrafish Models for Dyskeratosis Congenita Reveal Critical Roles of p53 Activation Contributing to Hematopoietic Defects through RNA Processing

Zhang Y, Morimoto K, Danilova N, Zhang B, Lin S
PLoS ONE. 2012;7(1):e30188. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030188
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Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is a rare bone marrow failure syndrome in which hematopoietic defects are the main cause of...
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Citation Extract:
Zhang Y, Morimoto K, Danilova N, Zhang B, Lin S. Zebrafish Models for Dyskeratosis Congenita Reveal Critical Roles of p53 Activation Contributing to Hematopoietic Defects through RNA Processing. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(1):e30188. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030188.

ZMYND10 Is Mutated in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Interacts with LRRC6

Zariwala MA, Gee HY, Kurkowiak M, Al-Mutairi DA, Leigh MW, Hurd TW, Hjeij R, Dell SD, Chaki M, Dougherty GW, Adan M, Spear PC, Esteve-Rudd J, Loges NT, Rosenfeld M, Diaz KA, Olbrich H, Wolf WE, Sheridan E, Batten TF, Halbritter J, Porath JD, Kohl S, Lovric S, Hwang DY, Pittman JE, Burns KA, Ferkol TW, Sagel SD, Olivier KN, Morgan LC, Werner C, Raidt J, Pennekamp P, Sun Z, Zhou W, Airik R, Natarajan S, Allen SJ, Amirav I, Wieczorek D, Landwehr K, Nielsen K, Schwerk N, Sertic J, Köhler G, Washburn J, Levy S, Fan S, Koerner-Rettberg C, Amselem S, Williams DS, Mitchell BJ, Drummond IA, Otto EA, Omran H, Knowles MR, Hildebrandt F.
Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Jul 24. doi:pii: S0002-9297(13)00276-0. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.06.007. [Epub ahead of print]
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Defects of motile cilia cause primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), characterized by recurrent respiratory infections and male...
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Citation Extract:
Zariwala MA, Gee HY, Kurkowiak M, Al-Mutairi DA, Leigh MW, Hurd TW, Hjeij R, Dell SD, Chaki M, Dougherty GW, Adan M, Spear PC, Esteve-Rudd J, Loges NT, Rosenfeld M, Diaz KA, Olbrich H, Wolf WE, Sheridan E, Batten TF, Halbritter J, Porath JD, Kohl S, Lovric S, Hwang DY, Pittman JE, Burns KA, Ferkol TW, Sagel SD, Olivier KN, Morgan LC, Werner C, Raidt J, Pennekamp P, Sun Z, Zhou W, Airik R, Natarajan S, Allen SJ, Amirav I, Wieczorek D, Landwehr K, Nielsen K, Schwerk N, Sertic J, Köhler G, Washburn J, Levy S, Fan S, Koerner-Rettberg C, Amselem S, Williams DS, Mitchell BJ, Drummond IA, Otto EA, Omran H, Knowles MR, Hildebrandt F. . ZMYND10 Is Mutated in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Interacts with LRRC6. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Jul 24. doi:pii: S0002-9297(13)00276-0. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.06.007. [Epub ahead of print].

[Knockdown and overexpression of miR-219 lead to embryonic defects in zebrafish development]

Zhang MC, Lv Y, Qi YT, Zhang Z, Fu XN, Yuan CG, Lai LH
Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao. 2008 Oct;41(5):341-8. Chinese.
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression, which have been implicated in many...
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Citation Extract:
Zhang MC, Lv Y, Qi YT, Zhang Z, Fu XN, Yuan CG, Lai LH. [Knockdown and overexpression of miR-219 lead to embryonic defects in zebrafish development]. Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao. 2008 Oct;41(5):341-8. Chinese. .
