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Zebrafish rgs4 is essential for motility and axonogenesis mediated by Akt signaling

Cheng YC, Scotting PJ, Hsu LS, Lin SJ, Shih HY, Hsieh FY, Wu HL, Tsao CL, Shen CJ
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Mar;70(5):935-50. doi: 10.1007/s00018-012-1178-z. Epub 2012 Oct 11
The schizophrenia susceptibility gene, Rgs4, is one of the most intensively studied regulators of G-protein signaling members, well known to be fundamental in regulating neurotransmission. However, little is known about its role in the developing nervous system. We have isolated zebrafish rgs4 and shown that it is transcribed in the developing nervous system. Rgs4 knockdown did not affect neuron number and patterning but resulted in locomotion defects and aberrant development of axons. This was confirmed using a selective Rgs4 inhibitor, CCG-4986. Rgs4 knockdown also attenuated the level of phosphorylated-Akt1, and injection of constitutively-activated AKT1 rescued the motility defects and axonal phenotypes in the spinal cord but not in the hindbrain and trigeminal neurons. Our in vivo analysis reveals a novel role for Rgs4 in regulating axonogenesis during embryogenesis, which is mediated by another schizophrenia-associated gene, Akt1, in a region-specific manner.
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