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ADAM13 induces cranial neural crest by cleaving class B Ephrins and regulating Wnt signaling

Wei S, Xu G, Bridges LC, Williams P, White JM, DeSimone DW
Dev Cell. 2010 Aug 17;19(2):345-52
The cranial neural crest (CNC) consists of multipotent embryonic cells that contribute to craniofacial structures and other cells and tissues of the vertebrate head. During embryogenesis, CNC is induced at the neural plate boundary through the interplay of several major signaling pathways. Here, we report that the metalloproteinase activity of ADAM13 is required for early induction of CNC in Xenopus. In both cultured cells and X. tropicalis embryos, membrane-bound Ephrins (Efns) B1 and B2 were identified as substrates for ADAM13. ADAM13 upregulates canonical Wnt signaling and early expression of the transcription factor snail2, whereas EfnB1 inhibits the canonical Wnt pathway and snail2 expression. We propose that by cleaving class B Efns, ADAM13 promotes canonical Wnt signaling and early CNC induction.
Organism or Cell Type: 
Xenopus tropicalis
Delivery Method: 