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Morpholino Publication Database

This database contains citations and abstracts for research using Morpholino oligos, as well as some review articles incorporating Morpholino data. You can search the content using the filter boxes below.

There are 12165 scientific papers returned from the database with the search filters currently being used below.

Genome-Wide RNA Interference in Drosophila Cells Identifies G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 as a Conserved Regulator of NF-kappaB Signaling

Valanne S, Myllymäki H, Kallio J, Schmid MR, Kleino A, Murumägi A, Airaksinen L, Kotipelto T, Kaustio M, Ulvila J, Esfahani SS, Engström Y, Silvennoinen O, Hultmark D, Parikka M, Rämet M
2010 Jun 1;184(11):6188-98. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1000261. Epub 2010 Apr 26.
Not Epub
Because NF-kappaB signaling pathways are highly conserved in evolution, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster provides a good...
Organism or Cell Type:
Citation Extract:
Valanne S, Myllymäki H, Kallio J, Schmid MR, Kleino A, Murumägi A, Airaksinen L, Kotipelto T, Kaustio M, Ulvila J, Esfahani SS, Engström Y, Silvennoinen O, Hultmark D, Parikka M, Rämet M. Genome-Wide RNA Interference in Drosophila Cells Identifies G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 as a Conserved Regulator of NF-kappaB Signaling. 2010 Jun 1;184(11):6188-98. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1000261. Epub 2010 Apr 26..

Gli function is essential for motor neuron induction in zebrafish

Vanderlaan G, Tyurina OV, Karlstrom RO, Chandrasekhar A
Dev Biol. 2005 Jun 15;282(2):550-70.
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The Gli family of zinc-finger transcription factors mediates Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in all vertebrates. However, their roles...
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Citation Extract:
Vanderlaan G, Tyurina OV, Karlstrom RO, Chandrasekhar A. Gli function is essential for motor neuron induction in zebrafish. Dev Biol. 2005 Jun 15;282(2):550-70..

HELLP babies link a novel lincRNA to the trophoblast cell cycle

van Dijk M, Thulluru HK, Mulders J, Michel OJ, Poutsma A, Windhorst S, Kleiverda G, Sie D, Lachmeijer AMA, Oudejans CBM
J Clin Invest. 2012;[Epub ahead of print] doi:10.1172/JCI65171
Not Epub
The HELLP syndrome is a pregnancy-associated disease inducing hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets in the...
Delivery Method:
Organism or Cell Type:
cell culture: SGHPL-5
Citation Extract:
van Dijk M, Thulluru HK, Mulders J, Michel OJ, Poutsma A, Windhorst S, Kleiverda G, Sie D, Lachmeijer AMA, Oudejans CBM. HELLP babies link a novel lincRNA to the trophoblast cell cycle. J Clin Invest. 2012;[Epub ahead of print] doi:10.1172/JCI65171.

Id2a functions to limit Notch pathway activity and thereby influence the transition from proliferation to differentiation of retinoblasts during zebrafish retinogenesis

Uribe RA, Kwon T, Marcotte EM, Gross JM
Dev Biol. 2012 Sep 8. pii: S0012-1606(12)00491-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.08.032. [Epub ahead of print]
Not Epub
During vertebrate retinogenesis, the precise balance between retinoblast proliferation and differentiation is spatially and...
Organism or Cell Type:
Citation Extract:
Uribe RA, Kwon T, Marcotte EM, Gross JM. Id2a functions to limit Notch pathway activity and thereby influence the transition from proliferation to differentiation of retinoblasts during zebrafish retinogenesis. Dev Biol. 2012 Sep 8. pii: S0012-1606(12)00491-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.08.032. [Epub ahead of print].

Id2a influences neuron and glia formation in the zebrafish retina by modulating retinoblast cell cycle kinetics

Uribe RA, Gross JM
Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3763-74. Epub 2010 Oct 13
Not Epub
Inhibitor of differentiation (Id) family helix-loop-helix proteins regulate the proliferation, survival and differentiation of...
Organism or Cell Type:
Citation Extract:
Uribe RA, Gross JM. Id2a influences neuron and glia formation in the zebrafish retina by modulating retinoblast cell cycle kinetics. Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3763-74. Epub 2010 Oct 13.

IL-23 is increased in dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis and down-regulation of IL-23 by antisense oligos increases dendritic cell IL-10 production

Vaknin-Dembinsky A, Balashov K, Weiner HL
J Immunol. 2006 Jun 15;176(12):7768-74
Not Epub
IL-23 is a heterodimeric cytokine comprising a p19 subunit associated with the IL-12/23p40 subunit. Like IL-12, IL-23 is...
Delivery Method:
Special Delivery
Organism or Cell Type:
cell culture: primary human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Citation Extract:
Vaknin-Dembinsky A, Balashov K, Weiner HL. IL-23 is increased in dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis and down-regulation of IL-23 by antisense oligos increases dendritic cell IL-10 production. J Immunol. 2006 Jun 15;176(12):7768-74.

Importance of the pluripotency factor LIN28 in the mammalian nucleolus during early embryonic development

Vogt EJ, Meglicki M, Hartung KI, Borsuk E, Behr R
Development. 2012 Dec;139(24):4514-23. doi: 10.1242/dev.083279
Not Epub
The maternal nucleolus is required for proper activation of the embryonic genome (EGA) and early embryonic development....
Delivery Method:
Organism or Cell Type:
mouse embryos,preimplantation
Citation Extract:
Vogt EJ, Meglicki M, Hartung KI, Borsuk E, Behr R. Importance of the pluripotency factor LIN28 in the mammalian nucleolus during early embryonic development. Development. 2012 Dec;139(24):4514-23. doi: 10.1242/dev.083279.

In vivo delivery of naked antisense oligos in aged mdx mice: Analysis of dystrophin restoration in skeletal and cardiac muscle

Vitiello L, Bassi N, Campagnolo P, Zaccariotto E, Occhi G, Malerba A, Pigozzo S, Reggiani C, Ausoni S, Zaglia T, Gamba P, Baroni MD, Ditadi AP
Neuromusc Disord. 2008 Aug;18(8):597-605. Epub 2008 Jul 3.
Not Epub
Antisense-mediated exon skipping holds great potential for the treatment of DMD. In mdx mice, functional recovery of skeletal...
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Citation Extract:
Vitiello L, Bassi N, Campagnolo P, Zaccariotto E, Occhi G, Malerba A, Pigozzo S, Reggiani C, Ausoni S, Zaglia T, Gamba P, Baroni MD, Ditadi AP. In vivo delivery of naked antisense oligos in aged mdx mice: Analysis of dystrophin restoration in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Neuromusc Disord. 2008 Aug;18(8):597-605. Epub 2008 Jul 3..

Inhibition of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cell cultures with antisense Morpholino oligomers

Vagnozzi A, Stein DA, Iversen PL, Rieder E
J Virol. 2007 Nov;81(21):11669-80. Epub 2007 Aug 29.
Not Epub
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed ungulates that can lead to severe losses in...
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Organism or Cell Type:
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus
Citation Extract:
Vagnozzi A, Stein DA, Iversen PL, Rieder E. Inhibition of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cell cultures with antisense Morpholino oligomers. J Virol. 2007 Nov;81(21):11669-80. Epub 2007 Aug 29..

Knockdown of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Gene BBS9/PTHB1 Leads to Cilia Defects

Veleri S, Bishop K, Dalle Nogare DE, English MA, Foskett TJ, Chitnis A, Sood R, Liu P, Swaroop A
PLoS ONE. 2012;7(3):e34389. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034389
Not Epub
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS, MIM#209900) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder with pleiotropic phenotypes that include...
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Citation Extract:
Veleri S, Bishop K, Dalle Nogare DE, English MA, Foskett TJ, Chitnis A, Sood R, Liu P, Swaroop A. Knockdown of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Gene BBS9/PTHB1 Leads to Cilia Defects. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(3):e34389. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034389.
