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Sox2 and canonical Wnt signaling interact to activate a developmental checkpoint coordinating morphogenesis with mesodermal fate acquisition

Kinney BA, Row RH, Tseng Y-J, Weidmann MD, Knaut H, Martin BL
bioRxiv. 2020;[preprint] doi:10.1101/2020.01.29.924050
Animal embryogenesis requires a precise coordination between morphogenesis and cell fate specification. It is unclear if there are mechanisms that prevent uncoupling of these processes to ensure robust development. During mesoderm induction, mesodermal fate acquisition is tightly coordinated with the morphogenetic process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). In zebrafish, cells exist transiently in a partial EMT state during mesoderm induction. Here we show that cells expressing the neural inducing transcription factor Sox2 are held in the partial EMT state, stopping them from completing the EMT and joining the mesodermal territory. This is critical for preventing ectopic neural tissue from forming. The mechanism involves specific interactions between Sox2 and the mesoderm inducing canonical Wnt signaling pathway. When Wnt signaling is inhibited in Sox2 expressing cells trapped in the partial EMT, cells are now able to exit into the mesodermal territory, but form an ectopic spinal cord instead of mesoderm. Our work identifies a critical developmental checkpoint that ensures that morphogenetic movements establishing the mesodermal germ layer are accompanied by robust mesodermal cell fate acquisition.
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