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Imaging and Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Whole Lung, Isolated Tissue, and Lineage-Labelled Cell Culture.

Jones M, Bellusci S
In: Bertoncello, I. (eds) Mouse Cell Culture. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2019;1940:109-27. Humana Press, New York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-9086-3_8
Research on lung development and disease frequently utilizes mouse models to conduct in vitro experiments. Such experiments involve multiple methodologically distinct stages, from careful consideration of mouse models used to obtain biological samples, to the culturing and imaging of those samples, and finally, to post-imaging analysis. Here, we detail basic protocols to assist with each of these stages. First, we discuss harvesting and preparing biological samples; second, we focus on culturing embryonic whole lung explants and isolated mesenchyme and epithelium; third, we specify the basics of obtaining still and live images; and finally, we bring these methods together by considering and briefly analyzing a lineage-labelling experiment.
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Organism or Cell Type: 
mouse lung explants
Delivery Method: 