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Control of Wnt5b secretion by wntless modulates chondrogenic cell proliferation through fine-tuning fgf3 expression

Wu BT, Wen SH, Hwang SP, Huang CJ, Kuan YS
J Cell Sci. 2015 May 1. pii: jcs.167403. [Epub ahead of print]
Wnts and Fgfs regulate various tissues development in vertebrates. However, how regional Wnt or Fgf activities are established and how they interact in any given developmental event is elusive. We have investigated the Wnt-mediated craniofacial cartilage development in zebrafish and found that fgf3 expression in the pharyngeal pouches is differentially reduced along the anteroposterior axis in wnt5b mutants and wntless (wls) morphants, but its expression is normal in wnt9a and wnt11 morphants. Introducing fgf3 mRNAs rescued the cartilage defects in Wnt5b and Wls-deficient larvae. In wls morphants, endogenous Wls expression is not detectable but maternally deposited Wls is present in eggs. That might account for the lack of axis defects in wls morphants. Secretion of endogenous Wnt5b but not Wnt11 was affected in the pharyngeal of Wls morphants, indicating that Wls is not involved in every Wnt secretion events. Furthermore, cell proliferation but not apoptosis in the developing jaw was affected in Wnt5b and Wls-deficient embryos. Therefore, Wnt5b requires Wls for secretion and regulates the proliferation of chondrogenic cells through fine-tuning the expression of fgf3 during jaw cartilage development.
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