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Both DNA topoisomerase II-binding protein 1 and BRCA1 regulate the G2-M cell cycle checkpoint

Yamane K, Chen J, Kinsella TJ
Cancer Res. 2003 Jun 15;63(12):3049-53
Cell cycle checkpoints play a central role in genomic stability. The human DNA topoisomerase II-binding protein 1 (TopBP1) protein contains eight BRCA1 COOH terminus motifs and shares similarities with Cut5, a yeast checkpoint Rad protein. TopBP1 also shares many features with BRCA1. We report that, when expression of TopBP1 protein is inhibited in BRCA1 mutant cells, mimicking a TopBP1, BRCA1 double-negative condition, the G(2)-M checkpoint is strongly abrogated and apoptosis is increased after ionizing radiation. However, a BRCA1-negative or a TopBP1-negative background resulted in only partial abrogation of the G(2)-M checkpoint. The BRCA1 mutant and TopBP1-reduced condition specifically destroys regulation of the Chk1 kinase but not the Chk2 kinase, suggesting involvement in the ataxia telangiectasia-related pathway. These results indicate that both TopBP1 and BRCA1 specifically regulate the G(2)-M checkpoint, partially compensating each function.
Organism or Cell Type: 
cell culture: human breast carcinoma mutant HCC1937+wtBRCA1
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